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We are immigrants originating from Indonesia, with the purpose to pro-actively enrich and strengthen the social and cultural fabric of Canadian society, to work in cooperation with other societies and government thus gain recognition and support to attain higher goals and sensible ideals








The main objective of UNICAS is to unite and to provide a neutral entity, where people can come together, irrespective of creed, background, education, religion, political views or age.

Purpose statement:


The objective of the society are :

a. to provide a neutral environment where members can communicate with each other in harmony where they can exchange thoughts and ideas to the enhancement and development of their knowledge;

b. to engage in social, cultural and service activities;

c. to support and assist the development of economic pursuits, such as trade, commerce, employment opportunities, and other legitimate businesses;

d. to work in conjunction with governmental establishments to facilitate the attainment of communal objects; the raising of awareness of 'good citizenship' and the more rapid integration of immigrants into society;

e. to recognize and promote the development and delivery of innovative programs, and to coordinate with other similar societies, to work for mutually beneficial ends.





Who we are:

UNICAS inaugural party.
Founder, the late  Mr.George Tan and the first board of directors 2004-2006

Board of directors 2006-2008, 2009-2012

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